Tasmanian Liberals accused of 'electoral bribery' over taxpayer-funded election grants

 The Tasmanian Liberal Party has been accused of electoral bribery during the 2021 state election campaign, with documents obtained by the ABC revealing the party promised hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer-funded community grants if it won the election.

The revelations come after Tasmania's Integrity Commission released a bombshell report on the practice, also known as pork-barrelling, in relation to the previous state election campaign.

That report raised questions over tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money handed out by the state's Liberal Party in 2018, drawing comparisons to the Commonwealth's so-called "sports rorts" saga, but pointing out there were fewer rules governing the practice in Tasmania.

Read More: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-21/tasmanian-liberals-2021-election-grants/100984768


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